What is unprogrammed Meeting for Worship? - Our Meeting for Worship is based on a 350-year old practice of waiting quietly with the expectation that we may experience the presence and power of the Spirit/Divine/God among us. We “settle in” quietly and calmly, mindful, but not distracted by movements around us. If someone feels deeply that they have an inspired message to share (i.e. it is more difficult to hold it back than to share it), she/he/they may speak that truth clearly for all to hear. Others, upon hearing the message, do not comment or respond but process the words in the context of their own silent worship. When the hour is over, an appointed Friend breaks the meeting by standing and greeting those present and inviting all to greet one another. This is followed by introductions and announcements.

What should I wear? - Wear comfortable clothes that you can sit in for the worship hour. Some people wear casual work clothes, others wear jeans. The meeting room has AC/heat, but is sometimes on the cool side, so bring a sweater if you tend to get cold easily.

Note: At the end of Meeting for Worship, visitors are invited to share their names and what brought them to meeting.

Also Note: We use microphones in our meeting room so that those in the room, as well as those on Zoom, can hear. Speak clearly into the microphone (if in-person) or unmute your computer microphone (if on Zoom).

Have questions: email us at