Piedmont Friends Spring Gathering
Click the above link for more information and to register.
Raleigh Friends Meeting, Zoom Meeting for Healing
Sunday, November 26, 3:00pm (Every 4th First Day)
Raleigh Friends Meeting, Zoom
Meeting for Healing
We invite Friends to attend Healing Meeting whether in need of healing, or if you wish to bring your strength of presence to those in need. We hold in the Light all those attending and those who cannot attend. The names of absent Friends and others to be held in the Light are spoken by the Clerk at our meetings, or by those attending. If there are Friends or others whom you wish to be held in the Light, please let the Healing Meeting Clerk know, so that recognition can be made.
For more information and for the Zoom link, please Contact Dennis Pipkin, Clerk, Meetings for Healing at georgepip123@yahoo.com
Upstate Friends Worship Group forum, Zoom (hybrid) Center for Development in Central America (CDCA)
Sunday, November 19, 3:35pm
Upstate Friends Worship Group forum, Zoom (hybrid)
Center for Development in Central America (CDCA)
Sarah Woodward will be joining from Nicaragua to speak about the work of the CDCA.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7045994999?pwd=L3VIdXZHNFZxVUNJSjhxa0dtUDlidz09
email Doris Wilson dbwjw1554@gmail.com to confirm and for more information
Stone Soup Gathering at Bluestem Conservation Cemetery
November 18, 12 noon
Durham Friends Meeting, in-person
Stone Soup Gathering at Bluestem Conservation Cemetery
1900 Hurdle Mills Rd, Cedar Grove, NC 27231
Stone Soup for everyone! Noon til 5:30pm on Saturday, Nov 18th at Bluestem Conservation cemetery. Please bring some vegetables or beans for the soup or bread to share if you are able.
There is no kitchen, so please bring soup contributions peeled, cut, ready to be cooked. Also, please bring your own chair, cups, dishes, etc.
We will be in a beautiful wildflower meadow that is focused on conservation, so please consider carpooling when possible.
This event is open to ALL. Please share with all of your Friends and friends. If you have questions, contact Jennifer Killen at jenkillen2@gmail.com or 919-749-5416.
Quaker Call to Action "Connect To Action" Zoom session with Represent.us
Wednesday, November 15, 8:00 pm
Quaker Call to Action
"Connect To Action" Zoom session with Represent.us
“Fixing Our Democracy Through State-By-State Anti-Corruption Campaigns."
Learn about how Represent.us is working to fix our democracy through focused state-by-state pro-voter, anti-corruption campaigns to end the influence of money in politics, make elections accessible and secure for all, demand accountability and transparency in governing and challenge the two-party duopoly. Hear about how they are supporting campaigns around the country for ranked choice voting, independent redistricting commissions, limiting foreign influence on state elections, and more. And, find out how you can connect locally and nationally to their efforts. Presenters: Sue Fothergill, National Deputy Mobilization Director, and Dave O'Brien, Policy Director
Register here: https://quakercall.net/connect-to-action

Piedmont Friends Fall Gathering
Piedmont Friends - Fall Gathering at the International Civil Rights Center & Museum in Greensboro, NC.

CROP Walk 2023
CFM is participating in the Charlotte Crop Hunger Walk on October 22nd to raise money to fight hunger at home and abroad.