Children and Youth
What is First Day School?
First Day School (FDS) is comparable to what other churches call Sunday school. It is held from 10:15-11:00 on Sunday mornings. Currently FDS, meets several times each month.
Check the meeting's calendar to see when FDS is scheduled.
What can I expect?
Young friends are invited to begin 10:00 am worship with their families in the meeting room. At 10:15, the FDS teacher will rise and signal to young friends that it is time to quietly adjourn for the FDS lesson. Youth of all ages are welcome to remain in worship with families if desired or attend the FDS lesson. Parents may remain in worship during this time, though you are also welcome to accompany your child if desired.
We currently have one all-age classroom that meets for FDS. Typical activities include stories, songs, games, art, and outdoor explorations on the property. Lessons generally relate to Spirituality. Quaker history and process, or draw from the Quaker Testimonies commonly referred to as the "SPICES" - Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, Stewardship. We also focus on various service projects regularly.
Nursery Care is also available as needed.
What is your Child Safety Policy?
Charlotte Friends Meeting is dedicated to providing a nurturing and safe environment for all youth. You can read our Child Safety Policy here.
Additional questions? Please contact our FDS committee clerks, Robyn Huffstetler or Jason Polk