Who we are…
Charlotte Friends Meeting is affiliated with the Religious Society of Friends, also known as Quakers. We consider ourselves to be spiritual seekers. Guidance for our individual and collective life journeys is expressed in the form of Quaker testimonies on simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, and stewardship.
Charlotte Friends History
Linked file with overview, dates
March 1998 - Held first Meeting for Worship at Rocky River Rd.
Quaker Links:
Friends General Conference (FGC) - fgcquaker.org
Piedmont Friends Yearly Meeting (PFYM) - PFYM link
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) - afsc.org
Quaker EarthCare Witness (QEW) - quakerearthcare.org
Quaker House - quakerhouse.org
Quaker Testimonies:
An Inclusive Minute on Marriage
Charlotte Friends Meeting affirms the spiritual nature of union in marriage, following the words of George Fox:
“For the right joining in marriage is the work of the Lord only, and not the priests’ or magistrates’; for it is God’s ordinance and not man’s; and therefore Friends cannot consent that they should join them together: for we marry none; it is the Lord’s work, and we are but witnesses.”
We recognize the importance of loving and committed relationships among our members and attenders. We welcome all couples with a connection to the Meeting, regardless of gender, who seek clearness for marriage and who wish to marry under the care of the Meeting. We recognize our responsibility to handle all requests with loving care, to ensure that any blessing of the union is carried out in good order after the manner of Friends, and to offer guidance and support for the couple as they strive to be loving and faithful to one another in their lives together.
Approved April 2006.
Minute on EarthCare
We, the Friends of Charlotte Meeting, commit to the following:
We continue to seek the Light through worship and prayerful consideration. We shall be led by the Spirit in the face of climate change.
We seek to understand the role we play as humans, and the dangers unfolding through climate change. We continue to educate ourselves rigorously on these matters.
We commit to act on our responsibility, both in personal use of resources and in the management of our meetinghouse resources. We ask: How can we have greater integrity in these matters?
We commit to learning about and engaging in collective action and advocacy at the local, state, national and global levels.
We seek to be examples and patterns, carrying this message forward to other Friends communities and to others who carry a concern and love for Earth.
Approved March 2018.
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